Advent Calendar Day 22 Christmas and Deceased Relatives
Did your family visit the cemetery at Christmas?
Yes we visited the Cemetery in December. It usually started out every September where we put a Fall grave blanket on Grandma and Grandpa Fermazin’s graves in Lincoln Memorial Park, Aurora, Illinois. Every Fall my parents and my dad’s sister Lola bought a grave cover to be placed over the graves. In December a wreath was ordered and placed on the headstones. Even after we moved to California, my parents always ordered the grave blankets and wreaths.
Nowadays, my cousin, Karen and I carry on the tradition. I send the money to her in Illinois and she buys the grave blankets for our grandparents and has them placed on the graves. We still do a wreath in December to carry on the tradition.
Now we just have more to remember. Our grandparents and our parents. I carry on the tradition in California, by placing a wreath on the headstones of my parents who are buried in California.
What are grave blankets?
Grave blankets are headstone coverings that are placed on the graves during cold weather winter months. You order them at the cemetery and they will usually place them. We always got a Fall theme and at Christmas we put a wreath on the headstone.
How did your family honor deceased family members at Christmas?
We sit around the Christmas Dinner table talking about oma and opa and recalling family memories of mom and dad and Christmas’ past.
* This post is part of the Advent Calendar of Christmas memories carnival by Thomas MacEntee at http://www.geneabloggers.com/preview-advent-calendar-christmas-memories/
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